Wouldn’t it be great if there were a magic formula you could follow to know what actions to take, and when, so that you could always get the best results in every project or business you focus on?
There really isn’t a cookie cutter, step-by-step plan that you can use to prioritize action ... Views: 1424
My mom loves to cut out articles from magazines and newspapers that she knows may be of interest to me. She’s done it for decades. This week she gave me one about taking things off your to-do list. Of course, it immediately drew me in because I’m a huge advocate of having only a few things on ... Views: 1291
When you look for a way out of any corner, the first thing you usually ask yourself is, “What do I need to do?” It’s an okay question to begin the process of moving into solution. But an even better question is, “What was I focusing on that led me into this corner?”
You can trick yourself ... Views: 1503
Definition of skimp: 1. To deal with hastily, carelessly or with poor material: concentrated on reelection, skimping other matters. 2. To provide for or supply inadequately; be stingy with; accused them of skimping defense funding. V.intr. To be stingy or very thrifty. Adj. Scanty; skimpy.
It ... Views: 842
Chaos happens. It happens to everyone. Some people live in a constant state of chaos. It may not serve them but they accept and react to it like it’s normal.
Chaos is not normal. Chaos is a direct reflection of your beliefs and how you perceive a situation. In many cases, chaos is simply a ... Views: 999
Whether you deliberately do it or not, you’re always looking for an ideal person.
In business you look for ideal customers and/or team members who are a perfect match for the job that needs to be completed.
You look for the ideal mechanic, computer repair person, babysitter, mate, ... Views: 1262
“Why?” you ask. “Why does money always seem to be an issue for me?”
Let me soothe your money feathers. It’s an issue for MOST people. Some of you focus on the issue more than others, but if I poke around a bit I can find places of resistance in most people. And this includes myself!
Now, I ... Views: 929
Once upon a time I thought the only way to work my way into heaven was to be kind at all times, always be giving and to sin as little as possible. I’ve changed my perspective drastically over the years, and find it oh-so fun and thrilling.
First of all, I know that if I do what’s in my best ... Views: 918
Charisma is highly over rated and definitely not needed to have an engaging conversation. I love engaging conversations because they cause you to feel and think in new ways. I don’t always like to be in a conversation, but when I am, I want it to be good.
Good conversation shouldn’t be an ... Views: 2094
Are you planning…
• for disaster?
• to be broke?
• to barely be making ends meet?
• for extreme wealth?
• to be let down?
• on someone saving you?
• for success?
• for struggle?
• for ease?
These aren’t trick questions. At first glance you may think that you would ... Views: 908
One of the most misunderstood strategies of attraction is surrendering into your current reality. The topic typically comes up when you decide you want to upgrade one aspect of your life and yet you’re stuck facing a reality that you don’t love.
What to do, what to do?
Don’t lie and try ... Views: 1607
It’s funny how often I have tricked myself into thinking that I have a certain end result in mind but upon further examination, I notice that I’m really committed to something else. For instance, in the past I’d tell myself that I wanted to create a certain amount of income a month. Yet, month ... Views: 1557
It’s normal to put off things in life until you have the money to do them. But does it have to be that way?
Absolutely not!
Never wait until the money shows up or you’ll spend most of your time waiting. And while you wait, you’ll be thinking about many things for which you are ... Views: 2762
Can you imagine a life where you only said yes to things that you really wanted to do?
I’m talking about truly only doing the things you want to do. This means you never go to any affair out of obligation. You never did another favor for someone unless you really wanted to. You could ... Views: 2466
Creating daily practices for success is always a big focus when I first begin working with a client. The trick is to make sure that the stuff you say you want to practice is a “want to” not a “have to”.
The practices that most people want to focus on have to do with exercising, eating, action ... Views: 1727
Expecting to win at any endeavor is a successful attitude, one that will set you up for massively fabulous manifestations. But, too often, you may find yourself bracing yourself for the worst possible outcomes.
Common thoughts that will drive you to prepare for the worst:
* What if the ... Views: 1604
Why is it that when you need money the most, it seems the hardest to get your hands on it? The answer is because, most likely, you’ve got most of your attention on the fact that you don’t have enough money. It’s an instant log jam in the money-attraction process and it’ll make anyone a nervous ... Views: 779
I don’t know about you, but I always want results now. Most of the time, I can be in the flow of the journey while what I want is manifesting quietly behind the scenes. But sometimes, I can get just a wee bit uptight when my desire is not showing up. Such was the case when I was “trying” to get ... Views: 1932
Is business down? Are you fighting with a family member? Are you wondering how you’re going to keep your house? Has your mate been cheating on you? Does your body keep going through one health issue after another?
Well? What if you just said, “So WHAT?!” to the whole darn thing?
I mean ... Views: 1304
There are several circumstances that kick us into high gear. That gear where your mind says, “OH MY GOSH!! I’ve got so much to do to make this happen.”
Some circumstances that my clients report massive action overdose are:
Cash-flow crisis
Giving presentations
Preparing for a ... Views: 829
When you have a goal or desire that is important to you, do you ever go into mental overdrive before you see the results? I know I have. I know my coaching and teleclass clients do.
You can go into overdrive in several ways:
Think about every scenario possible that could go wrong.
Think ... Views: 1009
Within all of us are the desires to be happy, joyful, abundant, experience harmonious relationships, feel on purpose and live a meaningful life. So, how do you get there without blood, sweat and tears?
We are all spiritually connected, and when you learn how to connect to and follow our ... Views: 824
Change your perspective, change your life.
See the world through rose-colored glasses.
We are always looking through filters.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
What you focus on is what you get.
If you’ve done any personal growth work or listened to motivational speakers, ... Views: 927
Have you ever been stopped dead in your tracks by fear? Several years ago I was on a hike in Glacier National Park. I was in my own world when suddenly a huge grizzly bear was in my path. My heart was pounding as I remembered hearing that bears can run up to 35 mph.
On my left was a steep ... Views: 1579
If you’re feeling like some area of your life isn’t moving forward fast enough, I urge you to just take a minute and try out the following process.
Bring to mind the situation that feels stagnate or stressful. Identify what exactly isn’t working. Make sure to look at all aspects. What part ... Views: 840
If you were flying a plane do you think it would call forth an intense focus in you? It does for me. I'm on the edge of my seat looking for other planes, watching my altimeter and speed. I'm also looking to see if my wings are level, as I tend to lean to the right (hmmm, I do the same thing in ... Views: 1432
I asked Beth Flarida, a professional Organizer & Efficiency Expert for businesses to write an article that combined organizing tips with attraction principles for this week’s issue. She did a great job of fulfilling my request. Enjoy!
How often do you walk into your office and want to turn ... Views: 1612
We all have stories we tell about money. If not aloud, then in our heads. Most of the time they are being told in the background of our thoughts and we don't pay them much attention.
I am not talking about stories like, "Hey, Bob did you hear about the time I tripled my income?" I'm talking ... Views: 906
The question people ask me most often is, "How do I do a plan for getting out of the rat race or expanding my wealth?" My answer is, "Make one up." Then, I feel the confusion creeping into their mind.
"What do you mean make one up? How? I don't know where to start. I'm overwhelmed. I need ... Views: 1021
For those of you who tend to use only your logical mind to create wealth, you may want to sit down. Here are a few rules of prosperity that guarantee results.
Truly know what you want. Then put your request out for others to hear.
If you can formulate the question, you WILL get an ... Views: 860
Let me start off by acknowledging that I have been flat broke before. Not just once or twice. I have had those times where I was completely stressed about how I was going to pay for the bills sitting in my payables files that were due two days ago (in some cases very past due!) I have also had ... Views: 962