Linkbuilding can be tedious boring and at times it might seem like a waste of energy. However, over time it can be one of the most profitable activities of your business. See, backlinks will increase your link popularity which in turn will increase your Google Page Rank.
Although Page Rank is ... Views: 706
Building free backlinks can be a real pain in the neck. It can be incredibly time consuming and at times seem like your hard work is not paying off at all. If you consider the alternative of buying backlinks, then it will probably scare you back to building free back links. A single PR7 link can ... Views: 3171
Backlinks makes you money. Top SEO experts know this because higher rankings means more traffic and more traffic means more money. This is why they often blow a small fortune on buying back links. There's no doubt that buying a couple of high page rank back links can significantly boost your ... Views: 801
Bodybuilding and fitness magazines are just so full of it. Every week they have a new “secret” method for building muscle faster than ever before? I find it incredibly frustrating to never know who’s really right. When it comes to supplements it’s even worse. Every week there’s a new miracle ... Views: 779
Your Google Page Ranks says a lot about your site. Maybe a lot more than you think. This one rank contains a wealth of information that Google uses to determine when and where your site will be listed in searches. Working on improving your Google Page Rank (PR) is arguably one of the most ... Views: 653
Having a high page rank in Google is one of the key ingredients of ranking high. In simple terms a high page rank means money. High rankings will mean more traffic and more traffic will mean more money - regardless of what niche you are in. Website traffic has become a currency and it is the ... Views: 665
The infamous Google Page Rank (PR) has become this nemeses in the world of SEO. No doubt that website traffic is the new world 'currency' and with Google dominating internet traffic we need to play by their rules. Page Rank(PR) is not nearly as complicated as most experts make it out to be. Yes, ... Views: 835
Google's Page Rank algorithm is getting harder to crack by the day. It seems like every niche online is getting more competitive and grabbing those key page 1 rankings in Google is getting tougher and more competitive. Page 1 rankings in Google and even Yahoo and MSN basically boils down to ... Views: 813
When you first started your body transformation you were probably full of enthusiasm. You probably set some great goals and were quite ambitious in what you are hoping to achieve. The problem that most guys run into is motivation. Face it, if building muscle was easy then we'd all have super ... Views: 2322
Protein is one of the most important components of muscle building. Protein is vital for maintaining good health, even if you don't work out. In recent years protein shakes has become the supplement of choice for most guys trying to bulk up and gain muscle mass. When you combine protein with ... Views: 2087
If there's one muscle group that gets more attention than it deserves, then it's probably the biceps. Ever since Rambo flexed his 'guns' every guy became envious of a set of arms like that. To add fuel to the fire, women just go gaga for big arms. Maybe this is the reason why most guys start ... Views: 1160
While some guys are born with a naturally muscular body, the majority of us have to work very hard for it. One of the greatest challenges in building muscle is learning the right techniques and strategies to maximize your muscle growth. For most beginners the bad habits they learn without proper ... Views: 813
Like many guys out there I was born with the skinny gene. Unlike many of my friends it seemed like is just stopped growing halfway through puberty and although my dad is quite a big guy my moms skinny genes crept in somewhere. If you are a skinny guy, building muscle can be a real challenge. ... Views: 1271
We all have a pretty good idea of what it takes to lose weight and maintain good health. The problem is that we all tend to fall into bad habits and forget about all the important stuff when everyday life gets in the way. Having a plan is important and doing something active every day is still ... Views: 809
In this day and age one cannot open a newspaper, page through a magazine, watch television or even listen to the radio without coming across an article or advertisement regarding how to lose fat. Weight loss have become a big issue in our society and what modern culture puts into our bodies, ... Views: 633
Losing weight can be one of the hardest things you will ever do in life. For most it’s a lifelong struggle and one that they never master. On the hit TV series The Biggest Loser we’ve seen some amazing transformations and as we see the pain and tribulations of the contestant’s journeys we can ... Views: 815
If you’ve been on the diet treadmill then you know just how tough it is to lose weight. We all want to look great and we all want to have that body that we know we would be happy with, but why is it that so few people ever get there. Why is it so hard and why can’t we just get on a diet and lose ... Views: 752
All investments carry risk. This is probably the first lesson you will learn from any good investment book, course or teacher. The whole risk-reward dynamic is a very important concept that you have to understand before you even start trading. When it comes to trading penny stocks then the ... Views: 1010
Why do so many traders lose money with penny stocks? Is it because they are uneducated, reckless or is it just a bad investment? I believe it is because they get over excited more than anything else. Getting yourself carried away and being sucked in the emotion of the trade is the main cause of ... Views: 1721
Spiritual awakening refers to soul awakening, self-development, self-transformation, leading a balanced and integrated life, leading an internally joyous life, and leading a spiritual life.
In one sense, spiritual awakening is ingrained as the by default universal purpose in the DNA of each of ... Views: 654
Higher states of consciousness are naturally interesting to people because we all inherently know that things are simply easier to understand when we aren’t lost in our usual day to day problems that plague us from day to day. There are rare experiences when we are able to see the higher ... Views: 1420
The difference between the soul and the spirit has a lot to do with “whose” soul and “what” spirit we are actually talking about. Most people refer to the soul and the spirit as being connected to specific people and each of us is often said to have a “soul” ... Views: 850
Waking, dreaming and sleeping states of consciousness are common to all of us. Higher states of consciousness are adored by every individual. Everyone hopes to delve deep into the realm of consciousness. With the help of scientific spiritual and yoga practices, in the deep state of ... Views: 629
Because of the fact that spirituality and mysticism are often such vague areas of knowledge, there can actually be quite a bit of confusion about the idea of a spiritual awakening. One of the most popular places that people hear about a spiritual awakening is in the programs of Alcoholics ... Views: 1862
Some things just don’t seem to go together. Cats and dogs, oil and water, coffee and lemon juice? Actually, many people are quick to judge whether science and mysticism can actually go together because the two subjects seem a lot like oil and water.
Science is a very rigid means and ... Views: 782
If there could be something most controversial as well most evident, it is GOD. And all of us are essentially soul or pure consciousness. Let us give a thought to the difference between these two forms of consciousness.
The Holy Trinity Of God, Son and Holy Ghost – Soul And God:
All major ... Views: 634
Many people claim to be spiritual but are either fooling themselves or fooling others and this can be extremely damaging to someone who is honestly trying to find serious answers to their most important questions. This is a collection of the characteristics of a true spiritual person which will ... Views: 2979
Every one of us does have a soul purpose. It belongs to conditions where we are at present. It belongs to the challenges that we can meet the opportunities we need to act on, the talents we need to nurture. If we get in tune with it and realize it in our life, we will be enriched with the ... Views: 819
How you define spirituality for yourself has a big impact on your experience and also your relationship to this intangible dimension of life that we all long to know more intimately. On a very fundamental level we can define spirituality as everything that deals with matters of our spirit (or ... Views: 672
Finding a proper definition for spiritual enlightenment is quite hard. Expressing in words the magnitude of this inner realization that we have come to define as enlightenment, almost always fails to fully explain the conviction and experience of having that profoundly connected feeling. The ... Views: 966
What is wisdom? For one, it is something that is valued in virtually all cultures throughout the world and throughout the ages wise people lead the way to a deeper understanding of life. Wisdom is not about having mere knowledge. It’s much beyond that and in many ways knowledge itself is not ... Views: 1011
The concept of enlightenment is an age old idea. Although it originated in ancient eastern religions it has almost taken on a life of it’s own in modern spirituality. You may ask yourself ‘what is enlightenment?’ and like many great sages your answer will fall short of fully encapsulating the ... Views: 897
On a deep emotional level we are all aware of our spiritual nature and underneath the surface level of life there is a dimension that we all long to make contact with. There are many views and definitions of what spirituality really is, but what I would like to do here is to present 3 quotes on ... Views: 1090
...Continues from ‘Discover The 10 Secrets For Success And Inner Peace - Part 1
Secret #4: Embrace Silence...
Silence is probably the least valued pastime in our society where everybody is running around to do and experience more of the abundance of life. Learning to create silence in ... Views: 897
Dr. Wayne Dyer’s bestselling book The 10 Secrets For Success And Inner Peace, suggests a vastly different approach to success. For most of us success is something that we’ve been lead to believe requires a lot of effort, determination and hard work. For the most part this effort is something ... Views: 1395
Everything that happens to you; everything from your past and everything in your future all relies on one simple thing: How do you choose to process that which happens to you? The way you choose to process everything that has or will happen to you makes up your entire experience of life. Most ... Views: 659
In his internationally bestselling book, The 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about a vastly new attitude towards life. This attitude goes against the grain of much of what we’ve come to believe about living an extraordinary life and it calls on us to adopt a new way ... Views: 1223
Passivity is a disease that so many people suffer from. Every healthy aspires to be better in some way and everybody fosters a dream and a vision for their life, however faint it may be. Unfortunately the majority of people just sit back and wait for something to happen – for some ‘unexpected’ ... Views: 809
For decades now the accepted method of analysing the self has been to divide 'it' up into body, mind and spirit. This method of analysis is a means of separating the various parts that make up our being and has been recognized by civilizations as early as the Egyptians. But there is another way ... Views: 1789
In the pursuit of happiness the majority of people fail to recognize one very important aspect and that is the fact that happiness is a relative concept. Your own happiness and sense of fulfillment is deeply rooted in your spirit and is unique and special to you alone.
Finding your true ... Views: 890
Although it’s quite hard to define what inner peace really is, we all know what it feels like because we’ve all had times in our life when we experienced it. For many inner peace is nothing but fleeting moments of bliss that is more often than not something that they cannot really hold on to. ... Views: 853
On a deeper and mostly unconscious level, we are all aware of our spirit. Even though we are all aware of this spiritual nature, the challenge in living a truly spiritual life is that we so easily get seduced by appearances. Life is so rich in sensory beauty and we all tend to have a bias for ... Views: 720
“Each man has his vocation; his talent is his call.
There is one direction in which all space is open to him.”
One of life’s big unanswered questions is “why are we here?” There are many potential answers - each of which will be equally ... Views: 3671
What does it mean to live from your higher self? The idea of the higher self is an age old spiritual understanding and it is one of the universal beliefs present in virtually every religion and tradition from the beginning of time. When primitive man stared up at the night sky, transfixed by the ... Views: 1857
There is an aspect of ourselves that is invisible, yet very real. This dimension of ourselves that is such an integral part of each and every one of us has been called many names. The higher self, the sacred self, the inner self - all falling short of sufficiently describing what this dimension ... Views: 2284
According to scientists, at any given moment there are more than 6 trillion reactions happening inside each and every one of us. Impressive. But not nearly as impressive as the fact that each one of these processes are perfectly synchronized with each other. It’s really hard for us to even begin ... Views: 702
“The important question is not what will yield to man
a few scattered pleasures, but what will render his life
happy on the whole amount.” – JOSEPH ADDISON
We are all in pursuit of happiness. In some shape or form we are constantly moving towards what we believe will make us happy, either ... Views: 1757
Procrastination is the silent killer of human will and ambition. Procrastination is what separates a role model of success from a life of mediocrity. People who succeed, who are fulfilled and who tap into all of their abilities and internal resources are people of action.
Much has been written ... Views: 975