We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Abuse and Recovery". If you have expertise in Abuse and Recovery and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The above two words could be seen as travelling in each other’s company, but this concept could not be further away from the truth. If you have every walked the road I was set to travel the difference is insurmountable. Many may even think that the difference is only marginal so why split hairs? ... Views: 1373
A million years ago or so when I was in college studying social work, I learned a really important lesson.
It was that the minds of people are supposed to progress and become more enlightened as we evolve on our personal journey. I learned at this time that there are four questions that are ... Views: 1199
I think it is safe to say that there is not one person on this planet that would choose to be born into an abusive situation, whether it is any of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or sexual abuse.
As human beings, we are programmed to not like pain or suffering, however, at the hands of ... Views: 1358
When we understand narcissistic tendencies, we see how living through a False Self is a recipe for discontentment, anxiety and disappointment. Narcissistic tendencies such as needing approval, status and significance from ‘outside of self’ create a painful life. Rather than establishing being ... Views: 1550
Approximately 30 million people take sleep medications and almost half of them take Ambien, according to reports from NIDA, the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Ambien is a long lasting sleep inducing agent that helps to maintain sleep throughout the night. Unfortunately, Ambien has the same ... Views: 919
In order for drugs to affect the brain they must first be put into the body. There are five methods of drug use which allow drugs to enter the body: swallowing, smoking, snorting, through suppositories and injecting.
1. Swallowing
Ingesting or swallowing drugs is the most common method of ... Views: 1762
People who try to quit smoking on their own are often unsuccessful in doing so. Enrolling in smoking cessation programs like auricular therapy is the right solution.
Smoking creates numerous health problems and can lead to early death. Many people want to quit smoking, but this is far from ... Views: 1535
Whether you’re newly sober or still battling cravings after years of abstinence, it is possible to make it through even the roughest days. For many recovering addicts, morning is the most difficult time of day--cravings seem worse, withdrawal symptoms are sharper, and willpower seems ... Views: 1401
It is natural to have questions about alcohol and drug detox, especially when you are considering stepping away from your life to get help for a substance abuse problem. Making the decision to get detox help can be a difficult one, but hopefully these answers will give you some peace of ... Views: 906
Addiction is a dark and lonely place and the barriers that hinder it are plentiful. It is easy to fall prey to it but you play hell trying to get out. Overcoming an addiction is never going to be anything short of difficult because it grabs ahold of people when they are weak and broken and it ... Views: 3852
Bullying is a HUGE issue in schools these days. I watched a video and in the video I watched an bigger (physically not older) child being bullied by the smaller child and in the end both of the children were given the same punishment, four day suspension.
I don’t think that the child ... Views: 1586
If you have ever been abused we all have them. Days that we either choose to push back into the recess of our mind, or we have completely lost all memory of them. To this very day I still recognize this trait within me. In truth the only difference is that I no longer feel the need to revisit ... Views: 1321
Sexual abuse of children is not a new problem, nor have the statistics changed. “1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 14; 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 16.” (Hopper, J. (1998). Child Sexual Abuse: Statistics, Research, & Resources. Boston, MA Boston University ... Views: 3327
If you or a loved one have just come out of a stint in rehab, the main focus is to now stay and remain sober from drugs or alcohol. However, this is sometimes easier said than done.
There are so many misconceptions about relapse, that’s why in this article; we aim to set the record ... Views: 3377
If you are about to be admitted into alcohol addiction treatment, then it’s important to know how to get the most out of your stay in rehab.
This article will provide you with the best alcohol addiction treatment tips, which can help you make it a success.
Go Small, Not Big
Ever hear ... Views: 2296
Are you asking yourself ‘when is alcohol treatment needed?’ The fact that you are asking this question indicates that there could be a problem at hand.
In this article, we’ll tell you how you to determine when alcohol treatment is needed.
Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol ... Views: 1861
Whether it’s a job interview, an examination or even sport, for most things in life, the key component to doing well is preparation and when it comes to alcohol treatment, it’s no different.
If you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol and have just decided that getting professional help is ... Views: 1580
When a loved one is addicted to alcohol, it puts massive strain on the people that love them the most.
Family members will often feel angry and resentful towards the individual for what they have done during the time they were addicted, which is understandable.
However, once their loved ... Views: 2378
Is someone in your family addicted to alcohol? If that’s the case, then it’s important to know the damage it can cause if no immediate action is taken.
Alcohol addiction is often called a ‘family disease’ as the harmful effects of it do not only affect the alcoholic, but also the people ... Views: 2125
Do you have a loved one that is addicted to alcohol?
If your answer was ‘yes’, you have now made a positive step in helping them overcome their alcohol addiction.
In this article, we’ll tell you how to help an alcoholic and also provide you with some guidelines on what treatment is best ... Views: 1849
The biggest problem with addiction recovery is that there are so many people that have failed one or more times. This causes those to become discouraged when in reality it never was their fault that they were not successful. There are millions of addicts hooked on drugs or alcohol and ... Views: 2198
In 2009 Rob Allen published an article on the Guardian website called Prison is no place for children. That statement still rings true today. He continues to say that "The prison inspectorate's disturbing report of the culture of violence and fear in Cookham Wood Young Offender Institution (YOI) ... Views: 1536
Is 2013 the year that you are finally serious about your recovery or are you just talking to hear yourself talk? Sure, you may have gotten clean but what are your intentions to make sure you stay that way? Are you prepared to fight the toughest battle you will likely ever face? To stay clean you ... Views: 2418
When it comes to addiction people cannot help themselves from creating this silent rating scale in their mind, like he’s just an alcoholic, she does too many prescription pills, and he is junkie because he does heroin. It is this kind of judging that creates the stigma that has created an almost ... Views: 2228
Shockingly, 2% to 6% of the general public had engaged in self-harm at least once in their lifetime. Where the peak of self harm actions are among students, ages 16 - 22, see falls in 13% to 35%. For most, the problem will resolve before adulthood but sadly, 10% of the remaining still continues ... Views: 2540
Codependency: Don’t Dance!
Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC
Codependency: Don’t Dance!
The “codependency dance” requires two people: the pleaser/fixer and the taker/controller. This inherently dysfunctional dance requires ... Views: 2231
What do Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and The National Football League (NFL) have in Common?
They are Partners.
The NFL partnered with MADD in 2010 and endorsed their “Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving”.
“MADD and the National Football League joined forces in 2010 to ... Views: 1739
Substance Abuse has a Profound Impact on Sex
Sex and drugs always seems like a hot topic in the media and in nearly all social circles, but the reality of the situation is that sex and drugs can pose serious, lifelong consequences to those who engage in such behaviors simultaneously. There ... Views: 1836
Everything about heroin has changed full throttle during the past fifty years or so. The mid 1960’s saw a surge of illegal heroin being smuggled into the US and by 1970 there were close to a million heroin addicts in the US alone. Much of this was blamed on Vietnam, the Corsican gangsters, and ... Views: 2531
As we all are aware of the fact that depression is one of the most infuriating and mentally straining health conditions that has sown its roots in the minds of children along with adult individuals in recent times with increasing at a drastic rate. The severity of this mental disorder and its ... Views: 1144
The reason why parents hire nannies is to keep watch over their kids while they are away from home. Sadly, the very nannies that parents hire are the ones who commit child abuse to the children, without the parents knowing it. If you notice your child being afraid of going back home right after ... Views: 1691
Sobriety is a lot more than not picking up a drink or chasing that drug. It is a constant process of preventing relapse. The reason that the process is constant is because there are certain factors and obstacles that cannot be avoided and only stand to complicate the process of recovery. This ... Views: 1559
In order to help you get over a drug addiction problem you will need to make some big changes in your life, which go beyond simply stopping the physical use of the drug. A good approach to use is a holistic one that addresses every part of your body and your mind in order to improve your overall ... Views: 1024
When we think about this emotion more times than enough it’s the way we look at others. Empowerment is the person we see standing in front of us totally in control whilst showing us the way. This person surly has all of the answers; they speak with wisdom and fortitude. Where do they find the ... Views: 1416
When I was six years old, I became a victim of child molestation. The atrocious acts continued for close to a year, before my mother discovered the horrible secret and put an end to the nightmare... or so I thought. Let me tell you how, for most of my adult life, I've continued to allow myself ... Views: 2574
Sometimes, the breakup is initiated by the long-suffering spouse or intimate partner of the narcissist or psychopath. As she develops and matures, gaining in self-confidence and a modicum of self-esteem (ironically, at the narcissist’s behest in his capacity as her “guru” and “father figure”), ... Views: 18037
The DSM V re-defines personality disorders thus:
"The essential features of a personality disorder are impairments in personality (self and interpersonal) functioning and the presence of pathological personality traits."
According to the June 2011 text of the DSM V, the following ... Views: 7302
Definition of LONELINESS (L)
• Sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned
• Feeling a strong sense of emptiness, yearning, distress and solitude, from an inadequate quantity or quality of social relationships
• Social pain — a psychological mechanism meant to alert people of being ... Views: 2229
Getting up early, going to bed late, playing coach, cook, housemaid, financial expert, chauffer, grocery shopper, appointment keeper, bath giver, homework helper, and nurse is just what moms are expected to do. These are mom’s roles and these don’t have any relation to what she does at work, her ... Views: 4816
No one will argue that there is an unfortunate increase in prescription pill abuse and especially prescription pain killers, otherwise known as opioids. Some say that doctors are too quick to write the prescriptions and others will say that more people need to become educated on the proper ... Views: 1934
The Five Best Friends of the Abusive Man
Truly abusive men are out for themselves. These are the narcissists and sociopaths who walk among us in plain clothes. Abusive men rely on these five strategies to gratify their needs ahead of or at the expense of their partner:
1. Denial
Even with ... Views: 2663
How do we measure courage? I guess it very much depends on your mind set. There are so many ways that it can be measured.
We hear stories about the loss of lives in our armed forces whilst serving overseas; sadly this is a measure of their courage after the loss of life. Unselfishness whilst ... Views: 1863
Are YOU hiding your true sexual feelings, desires and interests? Are you afraid to let your partner know you as you truly are?
Why is sexual self-expression and sexual disclosure often hiding in the closet? We live in a free society that seems to allow open discussions about even the most ... Views: 2678
Dealing with divorce is never easy. In fact it is probably amongst the most stressful and grueling experiences one can go through. When we get married we start off with a tremendous amount of hope and expectation. Intellectually we know it will take work but it is truly impossible to really ... Views: 5835
For many years there has been an understanding that child abuse is very often passed from one generation to another. And as to how far back some of these cycles of abuse go is anyone's guess.
It is then not surprising for one to be left confused and astounded, at how something so pernicious, ... Views: 5850
An article by Jay Tow, M.S. Certified Sexologist
Much has been written and discussed about the things we can teach our children in order help them avoid being victims of a sexual predator or molester. We all know about staying away from strangers and good and bad touching. There are steps ... Views: 2101
The aftershock of narcissistic abuse, once pulling away from a narcissistic relationship is a phenomenon that is very little understood. The logical consensus, when leaving a narcissistic partner, is because the abuse has finished, an individual should start recovering.
This belief is in fact ... Views: 4365
I sit here once more at my computer, with a jumble of thoughts that have been dancing around in my head for some days now. It has taken me until now to find the inspiration, and to really think about the concept surrounding this Phenomenon.
We have all been in a position where we have felt ... Views: 2026
This subject was something that I really had trouble getting my head around, why would anyone revisit a point in their life where it spelt nothing but pain and suffering. Why the hell would I ? A place you would think that your own consciousness would crawl over hot coals to keep you from ... Views: 2028
We are entering a mind field here where the only way to find the right help for you is by trial and error, in my own experience I spent so many years doing just that. At times I felt as if here was no one out there that could ever fill those shoes. The key here is to consider other aspects of ... Views: 1725