I began my Spiritual path when I was introduced to Reiki in 2004. Before that, my soul was very restless and searching for more meaning in my life, and need I say more, it was the change I was looking for. I became a Reiki Master Teacher in 2005 and a Ordained Minister in 2006. My life path is to be of service where ever I am needed. My future plans are to open a healing center, where people can come and experience different healing modalities. For me, it's not about the money, but about giving all people a choice. For choices are like pebbles tossed into the waters of life. The ripples affect everything around them. Thats what makes them so powerful. In 2011 I purchased crystal singing bowls and started offering multi vibrational healing and crystal bowl meditations, another facet to my life path.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Average is a state of mind, Greatness is a state of heart
Life is a painting, cover the entire canvas