Marie provides a unique blend of coaching, spirituality and business. Most of all she knows what she is talking about because shehas been in the place most entrepreneurs are today – she knows exactlywhat it is like to be overwhelmed and out of alignment while pursuingyour dream. She has transformed her own life using the very principlesshe teaches.
One of her greatest strengths is listening to the truth of who aperson is and helping them realign their lives. She does this throughcoaching, universal principles, affirmative prayer, and helping themfollow their inner compass. She uses a holistic systematic approachthat is based in universal and business principles that are customizedfor each client yet flexible enough for growth. This is what sets herapart from other coaches. The result is that clients navigate theirlife from within and show up fully in their lives and business. Sheloves helping entrepreneurs connect with their businesses and take thenext step to customizing a life and business that reflects who they areand honors their gifts.
She has completed accredited coursework through the InternationalCenters for Spiritual Living in spiritual philosophy, universalprinciples and affirmative prayer. She is currently completingprofessional practitioner training through the International Centersfor Spiritual Living. Marie is a certified life coach through CoachTraining Alliance and a member of The National Association of WomenWriters and The Global Institute of Associations.
Marie’s expertise is based on her spiritual, military, financial andsales background. In addition to being a certified life coach, she hasover thirty years of leadership and mentorship experience that includestraining and mentoring military leaders as well as financial and salesprofessionals. She also has 7 years as a holistic, value based trustedadvisor where she helped her clients not only plan for the future, butconnect with their financial reality in all aspect of their lives.
Marie is the past president of the National Association of Insuranceand Financial Advisors – Fayetteville. During her time as president sheled the chapter to one of its most successful years in terms of growthand community service. Over the years, Marie has been noted in severallocal newspapers for her business and civic accomplishments.
After they both retired from the Army, Marie and her husband settleddown in Fayetteville, NC, in 1999, to continue raising their childrenand start the next chapter of their lives. This year, she is happy tocelebrate 25 years of marriage to her friend and husband, Kirk. Theyare the proud parents of their 22 year old daughter, Kiara, a collegesenior and their 18 year old son, Khiry, a high school senior.
Marie lives life as an adventure. In addition to being quite busy,she is an avid reader. She enjoys traveling, the beach, trying newrecipes, and football. At 52 she is looking forward to her firstskydiving adventure and learning to fly a plane!
She is currently writing her first book about the power of inneralignment, tentatively titled , Align Your Life and produces thesoul-inspiring weekly ezine of the same title which is available at
You can contact Marie at or by visiting her website at
She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube