Is it really difficult to make changes or are we just accustomed to believing change is difficult? Good question. Regardless of what we would like to change, most of us have a host of excuses that we use that actually keep us from accomplishing what we would like to achieve. This is silly and yet we all have very strong beliefs of why we should avoid making changes. Perhaps it’s because we have a fear of the UNKNOWN. Think about it… If we had no fear or resistance, making changes would certainly be easy to approach. If we believe change is difficult, we are perpetuating that reality.

A better way to approach change is by learning to do things in a positive way. By holding in mind the positive accomplishments that will occur as a result of making the change, instead of focusing on negative realities, is making a better choice. If we choose to have a positive outcome, that is what we will be creating for ourselves.

Change simply means to “transform or convert something into another reality other than how it exists in its current form.” However, in the event we are intimidated in making changes (or accomplishing something else); we may not realize it, although we are protecting ourselves with fear. The fear we are holding onto will prevent us from making changes.

Unfortunately when we allow fear to determine what we can and cannot have, do, or be, suggests that in order for us to be safe involves our avoiding to attempt doing something else. Can you see how limiting it is to protect ourselves with fear? Can you also recognize that the fear belongs to us? When we aren’t sure of the outcome of something, or perhaps are intimidated in some way, our fear will usually prevent us from making changes or taking steps toward a new reality. If we are holding in mind a perceived danger such as making a mistake, again the fear will prevent us from achieving our goals.

Mistakes are actually great motivators in learning to do things in a different way. Mistakes offer us an opportunity to gain experience or to ask for assistance. Mistakes teach us to trust ourselves and others. Mistakes help us to overcome the obstacles that we created for ourselves by showing us what we were holding in mind. Mistakes always allow for correction. It is better to attempt to do something, then to do nothing at all.

If we mistakenly believe, “We should just stay where we are,” and opt to do nothing, we are making the change process difficult. If this is how we approach change, any time an opportunity arises to do something different, we are challenged. The only challenge that exists is in our thinking limited. By doing nothing, results in remaining stuck with a situation that we wish were different. This pattern translates into our becoming frustrated because we would like to make changes and yet are hesitant. Think about changing your hair color…, getting a new stylist…, applying for a new or different type of job…, or perhaps relocating to a different community. Notice what happens in just considering making changes. Several things got stimulated within your subconscious mind. The things that were stimulated are all of the reasons and excuses of what we are holding in mind.

When we are holding onto fear, we are allowing several perceived factors to interfere with our ability to make decisions and move forward. We may wonder what others will think of us because of what we are hoping to have or experience. We question our ability to make changes in moving forward and being successful. We are also holding in mind, “What if, things don’t work out?” Notice we are focusing on negative results. In addition, we are spinning by trying to figure out what to do. Anytime we are attempting to figure things out, keeps us from taking action. Figuring things out, also keeps us from moving towards experiencing goodness (satisfaction, resolution, peace and harmony, etc.).

We can easily change our minds and accomplish anything that we would like to experience. Accomplishing something, even if we are unsure of the outcome, is certainly better than waiting indefinitely for someone or something to make decisions for us. Simple things like returning something to the store, taking a new route home, or trying a new recipe can be enjoyable if we approach things with a positive attitude.

In reality, making a change is truly only a decision.

** Always begin looking at making changes by including a positive intention about the change.

** Give yourself permission to enjoy making changes. Give yourself permission to be adventurous.

** Be willing to try new things. The more you practice making simple decisions, the easier the decision process becomes.

** Be willing to acquire the appropriate knowledge so that you can make the best decision for your situation.

** Allow yourself to make a decision and take action within a particular time frame; otherwise the task(s) will remain undone.

Change can only occur if we are proactive. View the process of change as an enjoyable experience. Trust the changes you are initiating will help you to have a healthier outlook and more self-confidence

Author's Bio: 

Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.

The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide. The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.